Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lovey Dovey Tuesday : I'm Getting Married

I'm getting married!!!!!


I don't know what to do... Help me!!

Well, that's what some of my client had to say before getting married.. Damn, hey you.. You're the one who's getting married, and yet, you're asking me what to do??

Yeah, one of my friend recently decided to level up his relationship status. Well, you know how is it when your parent keep asking what to do and the 'I've not enough money' excuse is no longer available??

Well, I still remember the pressure that Henry Tan had says in one of his post telling that, U must have some 'bigger balls' to get one big good marriage proposal.. Well, yeah.. the standard had been risen up now..

Okay, if a marriage proposal scary man that much.... how about meeting the parents of your partner?? ha ha ha ha.. Well,it's sounds like hell huh??

'I've already ask my girlfriend to tell her mother that my family will be going there soon'

'Oh,okay.. so, what's their respond??'

'They said, they have been waiting for the time to come since long ago'

Hey hey hey, come on.. You are going to marry your girlfriend and instead asking her to ask her parent that you'll be going there?? Come on.. Be gentlemen bro.. Ask her parent yourself..

'Damn.. It's scary man'

Okay,here's the things.. Well, if you can done this well, all you have to do is get married and get you fuckin nice honeymoon and live happily ever after..

All you have to do is, be gentlemen, Ask her parent that you're arranging your family to come to take her in your hand and all is done..

Well, to be frank, your job isn't finish there.. Ha ha ha.. Well yeah, I lied to you.. That's never been a marriage without the bride working on it but hell, please.. If you really wanna both of family runs the wedding well, you gotta be good when it comes to In-Law versus In-Law..

Well, I'm talking such I've already married, but yeah.. I actually plan my marriage as soon as I coupled someone.. So, I'm more than prepared for some marriage.. Ha ha ha..

So guys, here's the deal.. Don't ever get married to a girl...... if you can't ask her in hand from her parent.. That's aren't just men of you.. So,you better fuck up yourself and go for it.. 

Well, as a closing, I've something to offer to you.. I've some sort of Wedding Plan, Proposal Plan, Engagement Plan, Hangover Plan, GetLaid Plan, Bachelor Party Plan and so many which I have to sell if you really want it..

Do contact me at rexs.yanne@gmail.com for quotation.

FOLLOW @Akiborneo on Twitter

for some discount offer available updates..

Aki : Well, when my times comes.. I'm sure to had all of that too.. Ha ha ha.. Damn scary..

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beaty said...

sempat lagi menjual owh kan ko aki..lol/..hahahahahhah

janganlah bah bunu diri ...

Unknown said...
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Mouren said...

HA HA HA...the wedding planner juga ko ni.

Diana Diane Teo said...

Aki, sebelum membaca blog kau, saya betul2 ingat kau mau kahwin dah. Hahaha.. Nowadays I keep receiving lots of wedding invitation too but frankly speaking for, I not yet ready for that stage. Wanna fly all over the world 1st before settle down.. Hahaha

You know bad. Oledi start to make a planning :D

meisnani said...

duit ta ada... tapi aku ingin kahwin.. apa dayaku... oooooo oooo...

*menyanyi celah rambut aki..

Xx said...

so cool ! to sum up, BE A MAN !

nuranne said...

Aki, here's the thing. People make such a big fuss about men meeting women's parents. You see we might have the same problem too. Man's parents could be picky too. Kena lagi macam yang dalam drama melayu tu, mak demand mau menantu cantik, setaraf dengan anak dia, and the list goes on.

Henry Lee said...

lol! wedding planner pula! barchelor party very easy la! drink all the alcohol! hahahaha

Elih Japahar said...

Aki, sorilah sa sudah plan sa kahwin ini tahun haha..nanti datang arr, hihi

aemynadira said...

cisss..suspen tul..ingatkan ko betul2 getting married..hehe.
i hope u'll be the best wedding planner..for bachelor party, i hope no strippers & alcohol... :p haha

Dora said...

ee sy fkr ko yg mau khwin, klu d kb buli la sy p kan (menjemput diri sdri :P)

Anonymous said...

So, ko pula bila mo kawin Aki? Suda jumpa bapa/mama nya ka?

Anonymous said...

adui..mati2 sy igt ko yg mau kawin..lol..jd bila?? jgn ka c lma

nGiau said...

uisehh semart la ni post!

Yen said...

well,well,well...kwn ko ni msti takut jadi kes "Meet The Parents" ni..hahaha. btw, nice post..thx 4 da tips bro!

Peeciella said...

haha sempat promote xD

Camy said...

woooo. wedding planner now? LOL agree, if u and scared, why not don't get married :)

Rose Flower said...

Uitttssss si Aki tukar profession kah jadi 'wedding planner'. bah ko punya big day bila mo plan hehehe...jan lupa invite siurang ar the CBG....

Meitzeu said...

lol :D For real??


Miki Aya said...

I was about to give you my best for your wedding....but then, I read the whole thing :) Ha ha x)

kay masingan said...

sa ingat ko betul2 getting married..hehehe..
tips menarik ni..:)

YanaKhai said...

kite tgk wedding planner ni plan bile tibe time die plak.. chaiyok dik..hhahaa.. be a good planner k... :)

Merryn said...

Alah guys.. no worries lah dudes! If you are GOOD enuf, we girls will propose when the time is right. You think we wanna risk losing our biggest fish? NO WAY!

so buckle up and make sure you are the best.. the rest is as they say.. history :P

DB said...

soon bah kan Aki >.<

Nana Eddy said...

Aki the weeding planner right? XD

Isabel said...

Hahah! I thought that was you getting married before expanding the post.

Nowadays, the proposal may come from the girl. It's not always from the man. And what about that lady who married herself?! Who do you think proposed? =/

CathJ said...

wah... hampir2 saya mau taip congrats oh...hihihihi.... I did get it bah mula2... sekali baca org punya komen and lepas tu baca balik tu post baru paham...

nota kaki: lembab bah terlampau berkebun...hahahhahahaha

Va Va Voom said...

Suspen juga saya Aki...saya ingat ko dapat seruan sudah mau kawen...lol!

Blackswan said...

Aki, I almost fell off my chair when I saw your header! U're a real joker. Love the post :) Reminds me of my marriage proposal....

Okayarms said...

Get laid plan tda suda ka. LOL.

Tapi nda mungkin hangover plan tda suda o. Mesti ada tu hahaa.

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