Well, I'm not saying all of you, but I think, this topic cover the most of it.. Not to offend anyone, but this is our reality.. Being working as early in my 16, I know what the working environment mostly cover.. So, this is maybe a little advise for you who are in university, studying your degree now..
Well, most of you, as I know used up to 5 years worth of education level, in order to be a bit more than the average people's education level.. So, just remember, we salute you for this.. But, when it comes to work, just remember...
Don't Ever Underestimate
Well, if you are in the engineering background, if you got your degree, then U are an Engineer, but trust me, not all and everything of that 5 years worth of your learning really apply in the real world.. The exceptional is for those Teachers and Nurses, coz they're actually working while learning.. Trust me, MATHS never lie.. :p.. You may got good grade with your degree, but when it comes to working environment, experience tell where your grade is..
Learn with Everyone
Don't assume you know everything.. Unless you're fucking genius who can learn anything just by lookin into it, then don't.. Be humble and ask.. Learn everything.. Tell you what, the more you learn, the more you get, the more U are controlling..
Don't Compare
Just please don't compare yourself to the other.. I still remember, a (should be) Senior Engineer who just move in to our office from State Level, bring some new environment to us.. Well, I may need to tell you, we are HQ Expert in Design, and we don't really care about whatever grade you may have, coz EXPERIENCE tell better..
She just act like she's still working in the state level, that if you can imagine, in the State Level, SHE'S THE BOSS.. But tell you what, in an environment where everyone is just thinking about the work, your grade is nothing.. It's your work tell everything..
Logic and Creative
Well, to survive in the working environment, you just have to think logically and be creative.. Trust me, that was one thing that save everyone.. Following the flow, while making your own move, creating your own way, that's all it takes to survive..
Well, a back stabbing colleague is another exception.. :D.. They never learn actually, but 1 things for sure, if that's their creativity, just don't lose to them.. :p..
Part of Life
If you can think wisely, U finish up 1/3 of your daily time in the office, or exactly like most of your time, U are in your working environment, so, be sure to LOVE what U do.. In case you didn't love your job right now, just take this advise.. RESIGN. DO WHAT U LOVE!! In order to compete with everyone or even your own life, you must at least LOVE anything U are working with..
Ah,.rambling for so much time and I forget, most University's student doesn't see or read a shit from a certificate level like me, but who cares.. This is myself reminder too.. Yeah, in case I got enough money to continue my study, then maybe someday, I'm one of it too.. :p..
But still, what I learn up until now, most university (degree) student wouldn't read this.. For them, anything that comes from certificate level is rubbish.. :p.. So, I don't care.. Ha ha ha.. If they're not, then they maybe sharing this to their other 'university' friend.. ^_^.v.. Peace..
Aki : Is it me who wrote all the things up there??
26 hacking script:
Ini post paling ngam untuk sindir urang-urang yg pikir durang terbaik! Hey Aki, good one.
I began to look my own pocket money at the aged of 19 years old. Part time job actually. When I have sufficient money to further studies, I go for it. And you know what happen, I heard ppl saying that I'm wasting my time to study at this mature age and chasing higher post in the company I worked.
What a joke lah durang tu. I just ignored them because I saw this person who were graduated as Engineer but..oh dear! she doesn't know how to do Technical Report and spending her time watching movie via Youtube. Don't you think she already wasted 5 years in the Uni - learning nothing!
...and she is also wasting the company money. (^^)
Therefore, certificate or degree kalu teda pandai karaja, susah lor.
Haha, panjang komen sa sbb sa sokong your post! hehe
Aki, betul ko cakap tu. Ada degree x semestinya pandai segala-gala. Masa saya kerja sebagai guru dulu, saya sempat observe macam2 gelagat. U know lah di sekolah ada mcm-mcm level pendidikan. Dulu cikgu-cikgu yang setakat sijil darjah enam pun ada, sekarang semua sudah pencen lah saya rasa. Memang lah kawan-kawan yang ada degree n master nampak gah n sudah tentulah bergaji sama besar dengan org yg sudah kerja 20 tahun (dengan kelulusan SRP), tapi tidak bermaksud diorang yg ada kelulusan tinggi lebih pandai bekerja berbanding durang yg berkelulusan lebih rendah. Most of the time, yang pengalaman bertahun tahun itu lah yang sebenarnya lebih pakar.
cuma 1 jak lah, I honestly think five years of uni should help memudahkan lagi pekerjaan. Every little thing u learn in uni should be applicable to work. Masa masih mengajar dulu, segala yg saya belajar di maktab sangatlah berguna setelah saya bekerja. Sekarang sudah tukar bidang n tengah bekerja n belajar (di bidang yg saya tengah belajar) n I tell u what, klu bukan kerana saya study itu barang di uni, i'll be lost at work. After all, that's the idea of going to uni, untuk mendapatkan kefahaman lebih lanjut. Bukan kah? Hehe. I'll understand a person x akan pandai kerja klu dia study music di uni tapi kerja di bidang engineering. Klu begitu memang lah x pandai.. Tapi klu study engineering then kerja bidang yg sama, no reason they are clueless tentang kerja. Or does it really happen? Klu ada kes yg begitu, saya mau tanya uni mana dia pigi supaya saya boleh larang org pigi study sana. Haha. Suasana pekerjaan memang lah x diajar di uni, tapi pengetahuan tentang pekerjaan yang nantinya akan relevan sepatutnya ada.
palan2 ko kerja sana kio aki. Don't let others make u feel lesser than them at work hanya kerana ko belum sempat ambil degree ko. It doesn't matter what kelulusan we have, if we r humble n honest about our job, we will enjoy it. Cheers, Aki! *raba rambut afro*
Aki, betul ko cakap tu. Ada degree x semestinya pandai segala-gala. Masa saya kerja sebagai guru dulu, saya sempat observe macam2 gelagat. U know lah di sekolah ada mcm-mcm level pendidikan. Dulu cikgu-cikgu yang setakat sijil darjah enam pun ada, sekarang semua sudah pencen lah saya rasa. Memang lah kawan-kawan yang ada degree n master nampak gah n sudah tentulah bergaji sama besar dengan org yg sudah kerja 20 tahun (dengan kelulusan SRP), tapi tidak bermaksud diorang yg ada kelulusan tinggi lebih pandai bekerja berbanding durang yg berkelulusan lebih rendah. Most of the time, yang pengalaman bertahun tahun itu lah yang sebenarnya lebih pakar.
cuma 1 jak lah, I honestly think five years of uni should help memudahkan lagi pekerjaan. Every little thing u learn in uni should be applicable to work. Masa masih mengajar dulu, segala yg saya belajar di maktab sangatlah berguna setelah saya bekerja. Sekarang sudah tukar bidang n tengah bekerja n belajar (di bidang yg saya tengah belajar) n I tell u what, klu bukan kerana saya study itu barang di uni, i'll be lost at work. After all, that's the idea of going to uni, untuk mendapatkan kefahaman lebih lanjut. Bukan kah? Hehe. I'll understand a person x akan pandai kerja klu dia study music di uni tapi kerja di bidang engineering. Klu begitu memang lah x pandai.. Tapi klu study engineering then kerja bidang yg sama, no reason they are clueless tentang kerja. Or does it really happen? Klu ada kes yg begitu, saya mau tanya uni mana dia pigi supaya saya boleh larang org pigi study sana. Haha. Suasana pekerjaan memang lah x diajar di uni, tapi pengetahuan tentang pekerjaan yang nantinya akan relevan sepatutnya ada.
palan2 ko kerja sana kio aki. Don't let others make u feel lesser than them at work hanya kerana ko belum sempat ambil degree ko. It doesn't matter what kelulusan we have, if we r humble n honest about our job, we will enjoy it. Cheers, Aki! *raba rambut afro*
Experience is the most important factor. A Degree is just a piece of paper. It wont be of any good use until you gained some experience working in real life kan?
Wyne : ho ho ho... got you..yeah, memang pun.. nonsense ja kalau orang cakap gitu without knowing what the purpose really is.. :p..
Gunaqz : yeah ha.. ko juga la.. :).. oh, about U life, y I say like dat is, ada engineer yang tida tau baca drawing.. can U imagine that?? that's what I say.. then, sa tanya, apa yang dia belajar selama di U, dia cakap, ada belajar drawing, but bukan begini.. What I mean is, they can't afford to apply what they learn when working.. lawak kan?? For cikgu, yes, maktab and nurses also, durang actually learning while working.. :).. he he he.. that's the different.. :p..
Merryn : yeah ha.. U r one fine example about this.. the mother with all experience.. ^_^.v..
Betul tu cakap ko. Even ada degree holder never under-estimate org. I came to the situation when the junior sama mcm sa masuk ofc pada hari yg sama and dia start to under-estimate bdk2x yg tiada degree ni. I dislike this type of people. I believe some ppl doesn't have the luxury to further study b4 this but when they do work stil tip top kdg2 mcm better than bdk2 lepasan uni.
My father pun sendiri ckp, terutama dlm case2 d hospital budak mediks. Selalu mahu besar kepala bapa sa ckp tapi bila kena suruh buat cari urat patient pun x dpt. Lagi yg bikin sakit hati, tahu lah Doktor tpi selalu mahu pandang rendah dgn patient terutama patient di hospital government. Eh,lari tajuk sdh.
Tapi bottom line, kena selalu hormat dgn org lah and yg paling penting don't under-estimate.
Love, love, love this one aki. I've been working since I'm 18. My mak gave me some of her class in tuition class. I taught those primary school, Bahasa Malaysia. Masa tu sumpah xmau jadi cikgu, xbestnya jadi cikgu tu. The working environment is far from noble, pretty, mulia, berbakti kepada masyarakat la kunun.
Then dapat tawaran course Fizik and Elektronik. That's when I gamble with my life. I rejected the offer and when to some interviews of Guru Sandaran with KPM, PPD, and cluster school. I got cluster school, a6 months contract. They later renew my contract. Dalam sumpah2 tida mau jadi cikgu tu, setahun juga guru sandaran.
Then sy apply TESL. Praise to Allah I got it. BUT! BUT! BUT! I realised kan Aki saya jadi skeptical pula bila ada pengalaman. Selalu dalam hati saya 'elehh kau rasa la dulu mengajar srudents tu mcm mana, the lecturer wont give you the ugly details'...Saya masih semangat mau jadi cikgu, cuma saya terlalu 'sedia maklum' keadaan sistem pendidikan ni mcm mana smpai saya sinis jadinya.
It's true!
Experience matters most. No use getting good grades in uni lor...
OH! this helps alot :D hee thanks for this entry , now i know a bit how i should behave after I graduate and yeah ! experience is the most important thing in working environment. developing soft skills may help too. right ?
whoaa aki!! this is really useful tau! jangan ko tlampau rendah diri sana..huhu. btw, i wish our country is like japan..where, whatever title u have..i mean, bachelor, diploma or what ever..mesti mula dari paling bawa. tida buli trus2 pigang jawatan tinggi..(mcm lari pula sya ni kn) anyway, love this awesome post!
Cher : He he he.. Gud, most of you got the experience already, so memang kamurang paham la kan?? Well, senior pun sebenarnya tia bulih pandang rendah sama junior, sebab durang pun ada abiliti masing2.. :p..
SimplySeoul : Yeah, that's the simple problem of being too experienced.. But remember 1 thing, if you want people to respect U, must respect em too!! ^_^.v.. :p..
Charmaine : ho ho ho.. U got it..
Amiirah : You are one of exception.. Just remember 1 thing, work is us solving some problem, so, expect the problem.. :p..
Ngiau : I know, this one is big for you!! So, be ready.. :p..
betul tu aki..ada degree x semestinya tau smua bnda, pandai buat keja..bkn semua..huhu skrg ni mcm teteda ba kalo ada degree..kdg2 dpandang sinis lg disebabkan tempias org2 yg berperangai perasan dirinya bagus sbb ada degree, nda pasal2 yg lain pun terkena sama..
nice post! thanks for the advise although i haven even go U :X. super agree with the last one :D
bh sa pun mau cramah juga...aki..buli sa sambung?
iya betul tu ada degree bukan maknya ko pandai betul bah kan..willing to learn is the most important..especially kalau teknikal punya orang jangan hara[ tu degree ja yang bikin ko pandai..pa yang kena belajar d U tidak sama dengan real world..yang paling penting is pengalaman.
yang paling penting willing to learn n jangan pandang rendah sama orang lain..
walau sa ada degree kan bila masuk alam pekerjaan kan sa rasa sa sangat kecil dbandingkan dengan orang lain..banyak lagi betul hal2 lain yang perlu kena belajar ni aki. but thanks god HE let me to learn more and more..
selamat berjaya aki!!
its okay.of course u've got time to further your study.hey man u r still young!neway backstab person is everywhere.comfort urself with that.
Ko tau Aki.. Dulu, tidak ramai yg tau sia ada degree! Trus bila ada yg tau sia ada degree, dorang tanya napa sanggup trima tu keja sbb gaji kicil and patut sy ni exec (time tu). Sy senyum ja sbb bg sy ramai lg yg menganggur d luar sana. Ada degree bkn bemksd trus buli apply keja bagus specially kalau teda pengalaman keja. And that's y sy nda penah mau show off itu degree cert sbb sy tau pengalaman keja lg kena pandang dr itu degree cert. Bkn la tidak bangga sama itu degree cert tp sy rasa time cari keja, org tidak pandang sgt sama itu cert. And mmg betul, apa yg kita belajar di uni mmg mostly tidak dpt apply sama d environment ofis. Skrg, sy PA bos tp sy still buat keja admin lain. Tp ada PA lain yg very actsy mengalahkan bos dia sendiri. Hahahaa.. Tidak fhm sama org yg bodoh sombong ni!
Ah, nice post! Slalu bekerja dgn org ada degree yg suka pandang rendah dgn org lain yg tiada degree. Pdhl, klu tgk dr segi kerja, org yg teda degree tu lg komited and pandai buat kerja. Bkn curi tulang or terima gaji buta ja.
About doing things we love tu, mgkn xla kita terus2 dpt our dream job kan tp yg penting do your best in everything u do. Nti pelan2 cari jalan :).
Ada degree atau tidak, yg pntg mesti pndai respect sm dengar idea org lain bah. Bkn mau b'lagak bodoh sombong. Biar sama2 belajar dan m'ajar.
LOL. Terlampau ramai sudah orang macam ni saya jumpa. Macam boring sudah tengok perangai dorang. Rata-rata budak-budak yang ada degree/master ni bila baru mau start kerja, paling bermasalah. Unless kalau during their studies dulu dorang pernah buat internship 3 4 kali. Kalau yang baru 1 2 kali intern, bila start kerja permanent job, seriously bikin sakit hati. Sudah lah memilih kerja, bila sudah dapat, buat cincai-cincai pula. Time interview, punya main campin kasi up diri sendiri supaya kena pilih. Last-last, haih...
POssible also la~ Creative and attitude will rule in the end in a working environment. :)
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ho yeah, aki, is that u?? haha. well said, buddy! your post spoke to me..
when i start doing internship, i finally understand how it feels like to have a job..it's way different that i'd expected before. graduating from university won't make me any genius or better than anyone else..the certificate is just a sheet of paper. faith and passion are what we need.
im gonna share this with my other colleagues. thx, sifu..hehe ^^
Great post & thoughts for youngsters. I'm sure they'll appreciate.
Yes indeed. A degree is just a sheet of paper. If you have a degree but so arrogant and dont want to learn as well as to work with every level of staff, nobody wants to recruit you. You have to be competitive and hardworking. Org bilang jgn la terlampau demand gaji kecil, experience tu penting. Kesimpulannya kalau suda bnyk experience baru la boleh demand gaji besar2 hehehe..
study well and enjoy the process; that's most important for me :)
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Good one! Nicely wriiten. Org yg bpngalaman blajar engineering n keja d bidang engineering mmg fahamm la apa kau cuba sampaikan dan better budak2 yg sdg blajar ni dgr la kata2 mu ni ghagagahaahahha
Very inspring ! Sa terlamabt membaca nway i love this ipar ;)
Thanks for sharing. Very inspiring ;D
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