Monday, January 30, 2012

Month of Love Giveaway Contest

Giveaway is the best to join, since it's free!! ^_^.v.. Well, who didn't right?? It would be bad if we miss any.. I will conduct a Giveaway myself..... later.. just not now.. Ha ha ha..

So, this giveaway is SPECIAL for February and it is from Mummy C (Audeanor).. And the prize was....

Lucky Winner Will get
FREE DOMAIN NAME (.com/ .net)
subscription for 1 years with whois privacy protected
Special Domain Name for your Facebook and Twitter profile/ page*

hosted by

Special from Mummy C, this is a good GA and this make me excited!! ^_^.v.. And hopefully winning too!!

And yeah, just click the GA Banner Up there to read the TnC and join coz I'm sure U will!!

or simply click this link here :

Aki : I still can't imagine, how will be it when AkiBorneo turns to dot com.. Ha ha ha..

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aemynadira said...

sy sudah ada domain tp yg utk fb/twitter tu blum ada..hehe..mcm best jg ni tau..
ba aki, sy pun t'nanti2 ko tukar p .com ni...heeeee ^^
good luck!!

Anonymous said...

TQ for visiting my blog. Bah, Gud lak kita kio!

Merryn said...

good luck to you Aki! hopes to see a dot com from you soon :)

ღ Sironaidura ღ ツ said...

uh aki mmg semgt join giveaway contest ni. haha.. good luck aki. !

Unknown said...

gdluck aki!! :D

Anonymous said...

Okay juga ni.

All the best ya!

Blackswan said...

What a cool giveaway! Good luck to all :)

Sharing is FUN!

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