Yeah, I think most of you never seen me in such attire, not even my Sumandak, and not even me.. Coz I hate it.. But, this is one exeption.. I mean.....
Yeah, I'm wearing this for a show!! :).. I mean like dancing show?? Imagine an AFRO dancing on the stage?? Yeah, you fuckin got it right?? Most of my facebook friend were actually surprised to see me in that attire.. I mean, myself too.. :p..
Well I'm actually dancing for Broadway Academy (M) Sdn Bhd and if you notice 'broadway' there, yeah, U sure know what business they're in.. Located at Damansara, they offer so many class of Musical Perfomances for everyone!!
What I mean everyone is, everyone who love music.. Singing, Dancing, Playing music instrument and yeah, you name it.. Well, if you were sooo into Stage Performances, I mean the discipline and heart, you might get the chance like ME!! :)..
So, here's some of the photo from the event we perform for.. :)..
Look interesting right?? :p.. I mean my AFRO of course.. :)..
For me, Stage Performances is an interesting experience.. Plus if you got VVIP staring at you, it was an awesome feeling!! I mean like AWESOME AWESOME!! and I would really love to do that again and again.. Yeah..
Interested in this?? Ehem, you can now start thinking of what kind of Stage Performances you would love to do, and yeah, just contact the Broadway's officer for more info.. Who knows you're the one performing this someday, replacing me.. :p..
Or maybe thinking of having such a performances for your event?? still you can contact them directly.. :)
You can reach em by :
Facebook Page : Broadway Academy
Website : Broadway Academy
And here's the Bonus Picture for you.. :)..
So, if you're interested, see you at the rehearsal and audition day!! :p..
Aki : I would love to do this summore.. More event please??
22 hacking script:
Wow! You rock la Aki.. Of all the people on that stage, only you were the one with ori afro hair kan.. hehe..
I like the first and last picture.. you can really tell an original ad face afro hahaha
bravo Aki!
OMG! U really looked like u had a great time :)
Gee : Yeah, 1rg ja ori rambut afro.. :D..
Dora : Tapi masi nda pandai senyum depan kamera ni.. :D.. hahaha..
Edith : Great was YES!! But tiring, More.. :p..
wah wah wah..afroians in da hse u..
cute o !
u having a great time o kan aki?
enjoy gila owh ko aki! kan? se-mart eh! :D
awesomeee! dance all u can :)
Wow! Awesome!
I love performing on stage too and every year I had to team-up with my colleagues for our company annual dinner Dance Competitions!
Lain kali kita bulih buat performance bersama-sama. hehe!
Nice photos. U guys have awesome camera person ^_^ V hahahahaha~~
Thanks for the promotion. u should add that we have open registration for February 2013 intake as well~~ hahah...
Btw, I think you look best when you have your afro tied up behind :)
Yeah that ago really stands out! I mean, you Aki.
Oppsss! I men Afro, not 'ago'
waa u really can dance? is there any video of the performance? i wanna watch u dance! hehe.
good thing about natural afro is u don't need to wear a wig, right? haha. awesome. the last picture looks like u 2 are siblings ;)
woww what an amazing experience... macam glee. hehe.
Hey, who's that handsome guy on the stage?? Wow, u're a superstar now!! That must've been an awesome moment for u :)
Wowww hahahaha macam saya tidak percaya owhh kauuu.
wah jadi artis ah..sangat berbakat..buli jadi bintang RTM ni tau..
wahhh Aki the pro dancer!! *jeles* :P
Latest: Thanks for being here in 2012!
woooh...i like that afro :D
Cool ! :D i mean reaally cool. the dancers, performances..and yeah, ur hair.. :D heee, jgn marah yer. where is that place ?
wow... osemmm... i mean... owh.. osem..hahhaa...
Hey Aki, happy new year. Best of wishes to you and your family.
Just : he he he.. memang enjoy.. tapi panat ni..
Camy : well, I actually perform in front of Penang CM.. :p..
Wyne : BAH!!!! MARIIIII.. Tapi sa mo jemput c DC buat tarian perut juga nanti gath yang seterusnya..
Nana : I know I know.. :p..
De Engineur : Haha, thanks Bro.. Happy New Year too!! :)..
Aemy : Unfortunately, emm, they didn't publish the video.. I mean, if they have one, I WAS TOTALLY GONNA POST THAT VID HERE TOO.. :p..
SimplySeoul : Well, we actually sang GLEE.. of course.. hahaha..
Shirley Tay : Hahaha.. no superstar la sis.. job.. this is job..
cinoi : Hahaha.. sa pun nda pecaya dgn diri sendiri.. :p..
Alexa : hahaha.. teda lah bintang rtm.. :p..
Fish : No pro la fish.. Just for fun.. U la pro.. :p..
Stef : Well, we perform at Penang.. Hehehe.. ada ntah hotel apa tu.. :p..
Yana Khai : Who's awesome again?? :p..
Hahaa I never do such performance before o Aki. And for that, I salute you hehee. Kalo sia, bagagar suda kali. LOL.
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