This is a serious tips upon picking some restaurant in Kota Kinabalu. What I mean here was the normal restaurant where we eat normal food with the normal price one.. Definitely, the Fast Food Restaurant,Exclusive Branded Restaurant aren't included in this tips.
I am doing this tips when I saw one of my friend posted in Facebook the other day complaining a restaurant. She said, one of an A grade restaurant in a famous Shopping Hypermall in Kota Kinabalu serving food that completely gross.. Damn..
Once before,she had go to the restaurant and found out that her food containing some insect inside em, meanwhile, just the other day, her sister in law found some crushed lizard in the juice.. Perfect juice perhaps?? Yummy... or yuck...

8 to 10 from A grade restaurant definitely having this problem :- Food Hygiene is bad.- The Taste was damn not good.- The price were unacceptable.- Workers had bad attitude.- Hospitality were damn sucks.- No specialties for the restaurant (i.e - Special Menu)
My uncle once said, the A grade restaurant food was real sucks. That is why they get the A grade. The reason is, when the DBKK ( City Hall ) do the checking for grade, there are not much customer to handle and they can perform an A grade level of food handling, cleanliness and so on to get the awesome grade A.
That is how mostly an A grade restaurant get their great grade. Me myself always picking some grade B restaurant because the food was always awesome,plus there are so many people in the restaurant. There's now way a sucks food will be served if the restaurant get so many customer right??
And honestly, I haven't get in an A grade restaurant in Kota Kinabalu since 2007. a B grade restaurant is always the best, and most my favourite chinese restaurant do had B grade label.. Not because their hygiene is bad,or the cleanliness was sucks.. It's just, they have too much customer to handle in an operation when the city hall do the checking. ^_^.v..
This message is brought to you by Aki Borneo.
Aki : My favourite JAWA's restaurant in KK with B grade label was Restaurant Taufik, at Kampung Air, in front of Bandaran.. Ha ha ha..
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kdg2 tembirang jak tu kena grade2 kan Aki..taufik? org blang sedap soto..jawa ba tu hehe tp sy nda prnah pigi pula hehe
Interesting find, Aki! We do have such grading in S'pore too but stalls are graded based on just cleanliness, not on food quality.
Great tips!
ki, taufik tu la restoran kegemaran aku selain dari restoran happy. muahaha.. sedap ini soto dorg;D
My friend always said 'the dirtier the place is, the tastiest the foods there' hahaha
Aisehhh bangga itu restoran taufik kena promote di blog si paling suka dorang punya sup tulang...tapunnn. btw thanks for the tips arrr.
yep, thats right. B grade coffee shops are normally the best place to get delicious finger lickin food.
what a coincidence..i was thinking to post about this because my lecturer just told us about it yesterday..haha. yeah,'re right..
yeah...betul tu aki..
Restoran Taufik?nanti mau p sana lah ni...
aki mcm mana gathering punya info?
Yakan Aki, make sense jga bah klu tu Kdai makan dapat Grade A smestinnya jarang2 orang datang pi makan, so xda jga kotor.. Hmm.. Tapi so far sa pn slalu pgi mostly is Grade B. Never went to Grade A restaurant/kdai kopi yet. So since u make a review, jadi jgan cba tu Grade A la.. klu tdak rugi... Hehehe..
Saya jarang2 ok tengok grade restaurant. logik juga ko cakap kan Aki, tiada customer banyak lah masa durang menyapu. hehehe.
hahaha :D Its hard to maintain clean when the shop is famous! :D
Great tips Aki. sa pun pigi yang grade B saja sedap2 lagi dorang punya makanan....Kalo A normally servis macam tai!!!
yaiii.. geli kotor.. mana la tu konon di suria ka atau di CP..hahahaha
great restaurant doesnt mean have a great serve n services isn't..hahaa..
next time masak sendiri aki... sedap xsedap yg penting kite satisfied...meegi goreng pon sedap..~ hehehe
mana ni restoran taufik?
haha..mesti mo p restoran@gerai kutur2 sikit la ni klu mo mkan mkanan sedap kan..oh shit..haha.
haha.... good to know that :).... will bear that in mind.....
btw, sy pun slalu p mkn soto d sna.....blum ada lg tmpt len yg bleh tanding ooo....
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