Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Year of the Dragon's Luck : Early February

Well, I never had any resolution for every year actually.. It's not that I'm a person without responsibility.. It's just that I never keep my promise.. But okay with any responsibilities.. So, I never achieve my goal in anything I admiring of, but still, I'm achieving great in what I'm workin on..

So, this year as I always predict, the Dragon have been good for me.. Like every Dragon years actually.. ^_^.v.. This is where my Luck is on throughout the year.. So, wanna share with you, the February luck..

It was the last minute of last year, Diana Teo at Travel & Living Journey of DT had post THIS in her blog and I was like... really?? I won this??

  • T-shirt from Bandung, Indonesia
  • Fridge magnet from Bandung, Indonesia
  • Face mask from Seoul, South Korea
  • Handphone ornament from Seoul, South Korea

Yeah.. Ok, it's so true.. and well, as you know, DT is a traveller who self-sponsor herself to be in every place she had go.. And yeah, after writing the post, she actually travel again.. like 2 times, and only can manage the sending thingy like only now..

No worry Dee, I understand that.. Plus I got this for free.. So, I can wait until forever!! ^_^.v.. Well, you can see her post on why I win this.. :D

Yeah yeah.. I know everyone of you is exciting when the Unwrapping times come.. So, I present you 1 by 1 then.. :D

Note : Please mind my floral Bedsheet.. I'm freakin Love em.. :D

Yeah, the Posto came like noon, and I was surprised to receive the package which have my name on it.. First, I was like, who send me this thing??

Fact : Nobody send me anything since I was born.. T_T

So, next is the PEEK INSIDE photo..

Uuuhh.. I smell KK inside.. Yeah.. This was post from KK.. Argh.. I miss KK..

So, out from your box Prezie....

Yeah, feel like... Ohhh, I got this from frequent comment on someone's blog.. Which I Love to do!! Well, I feel recognized as a crazy commentator.. ^_^.v.. And I Like it.. to the MAXXXX!!

So continue, I read the love letter from Dee, which like.. Ohhhhh.. ok, if you can read it, read it your self.. Ha ha ha.. :D.. Nothing to be covered here..

Then, we see the Handphone Ornament.. Or as I always recognized it as Hanger..

Korea!!.. ha ha ha.. I Love em.. then Next, is the Fridge Magnet of Gedung Sate, Bandung Indonesia..

Ok, time to unwrap it and put it in the collection of 401!!..

Yeah ok.. she mixed well with the others.. ^_^.v.. Can you see the very bottom of the Fridge Magnet Collection?? Isn't that Awesome?? Yeah.. I must say, Photoshop is real awesome.. :D

So next is the Face Mask!!

Ok, I'll find some free time to apply this on my really soft faces.. Ha ha ha.. Well, if I'm using this before sleeping, I may choke to death coz I maybe eat this while sleeping.. So, better on my relax day then.. :D

And the T-Shirt!!

So, can I say that I've been in Bandung already?? Like seriously?? Ho ho ho.. Ok first, to be truth, I was worry to death when I see the size for this shirt is XXXXXXL.. I'm worrying that I'll be the clown again.. Putting a large size tee over my masculine body..

Well, I always wear S size... actually.. Like seriously.. Trust me.. Most of my t-shirt was S size.. Some sort of encouraging me to 'tahan nafas' while wearying em.. Ho ho ho..

Then, I think Dee will wanna see this and I'm sure most of you too.. Will Aki Borneo fit in the XL T-Shirt?? So, here is the result..

Yeah yeah.. I know everyone of you only want to see the hair of me.. Ok, that's my current hair.. Trust Me, I'm real AFRO!! ^_^.v..

'I'm Afro and I know it'

And yeah, for February, I got an exclusive invite (a giveaway actually) from for Fist of Dragon – Gala Premiere which had their Red Carpet Party!!..

I'm in and the Dress Code is GANGSTA which, I always Love because I don't need to go find a new dress.. ^_^.v.. Thanks Merryn.. So, anyone had the Idea on what I should add on my dress?? :D

P/S - I got this from her FACEBOOK fanpage.. Subscibe now and you may be the next winner!! ^_^.v..

Aki : So February, still got something for me?? :D

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31 hacking script:

Priscilla said...

wow...trus sa smgt mo komen ni hehe

Priscilla said...

btw tahniah..hihi

Miki Aya said...

bagus2. mungkin ko pun patut rajin2 komen d blog sy. mnatau, ada org kasi kirim ko daun/batu/pasir/salji dr uk. :p

kay masingan said...

tahniah Aki...ya nampaknya Dragon bagus sama ko awal tahun ini..hehe

Nani said...

Hahahaha!!! Peti sejuk si Aki kenapa dekat misin basuh? Dan saiz xL yg kicik. Bnyknya dia bagi. Cadar kau seksila Aki hehehe! Yg aku heran, pengkomen terbanyak di blog ku nda bagi detail diri dan hadiah blm dpt dihantar. So twrn masi terbuka (kenyit mata) ! :))

Just said...

Wahh.. Jeles ni dpt parcel yg isi dia hadiah! Tp cumil owh bedsheet ko! :D

Fadzmie said...

Uiseh. Dapat hadiah oh kau ging. Baju free lagi tu. Macam kin jeles ni. Haha. Kau punya rambut juga la paling manang. Style afro maa. Haha.

Aki said...

unladylike : he he he.. ngam tu tau.. :D

Miki Aya : sa mo batu!! batu juga sa mo.. bulih ka?? :D

Kay Masingan : Itulah.. besa dragon memang bagus sama saya.. :D

Nani : Campen kan kami susun rumah kami.. Ha ha ha.. :D.. cadar saya paling manang kan?? :D..

Just : he he he.. untung kan?? sa pun nda sangka dapat tu tau.. :D.. Bedsheet sa juga la.. :p

Fadzmie : Ho ho ho.. Itulah.. free.. sepa tia mau.. AFRO mah.. :p

Diana Diane Teo said...

Hey, Aki! I never thought you will blog about this in a full post! Wohahaha.. Thanks for promoting my blog by the way.

Honestly speaking, it is hard to buy souvenir for guys you know. The only thing I can think are either T-shirt or fridge magnet. Klu perempuan, senang. Beli dompet lah, anting-anting lah, rantai lah, bracelet lah but guys... erm...

So, if this year u menang lagi, bagi lah cadangan apa yang boleh saya hadiahkan. Janganlah mahal2, bankrupt nanti saya. Hehehe...:D

Blackswan said...

Congrats, Aki! Know I like like most?? The face mask, of course!! I need more of these at my age. Hahaha!

BTW, u look awesome in that afro hair-do & Diane's tee!

kak gojes said...

kunun c suka tu ornament..klu ko nda mau kasi pos sama sy jak..ekekekekk...fridge magnet tu nda mo kumin mo kumin aisbok ko la...mau minta beli baru sudah tu aki...gambar yg ko pakai baju bandung tu...ekekekek...mcm pokok la pulak...

Bahahahah...jan marah ah aki...i kumin dr jari serta hati yg ikhlas ni....

fazrulnoor said...

untung lah kau aki

Anonymous said...

siok o dapat prezen... nice afro!

Nikel Khor said...

wow.. a very good start of year with those FREE stuff.. enjoy it..

Unknown said...

amboi2 Aki..mmg your precious dragon year la kan...dapat hadiaaaaaaah trus ko ni. jeles. kbai! lol :D

Yen said...

sa slalu komen tempat ko..teda hadiah pun.haha.

Aki said...

Dee : hahaha.. :D.. no worry, U earn that.. Apa susah find something for boys oh.. just find anything, they'll suit it.. trust me.. :D.. Actually, me also didn't know what I want to give to myself.. Ha ha ha..

Blackswan : Yeah.. I like my afro.. hehe he.. the mask, will try to use that this nite.. :D

Eryati : he he he.. Sa mo bagi sama si sumandak ba.. :D.. Semat kan rambut pokok saya.. :p

fazrulnoor : bising la ko.. ha ha ha..

Mummy Vinoun : ha ha ha.. best kan?? lawa ka rambut afro saya?? lawa bilang..

Nikel : ho ho ho.. I always love free stuff..

Mic : he he he.. dapaaaaat ja kan.. :p.. untung ka jadi saya?? (satu kali lagi)

Yen : ko bikin apa.. nda cukup ka sa assist ko?? tampar telingamu sana.. :D

Xx said...

this is soooo great !!! best nya :) hehehe

Charmaine Pua said...

Wow sweet nya! Got handwritten letter some more! :)

Xx said...

tapi paling bestttt tu sheet katil la , haha

Frydolina Fay said...

Congrats Aki! The Dragon is being nice with you~ (with jealous tones)..:D

P.s Sa suka itu cadar..piwitt! xD

Meitzeu said...

Awesome Aki!!!

Meitzeu @ Blog

Meitzeu @ Facebook

Meitzeu @ Twitter

Anonymous said...

Congrats bro Aki! All sweats didn't go unnoticed kan kan.

Time to hunt for some water dragons this year! Mana sungai yg ada tu naga aah?

carolchs said...

sa jelos tu fridge magnet saja la :D

Henry Tan said...

LOL! Si Aki! I like ur Im afro and i know it! LOLLLL!
btw wow! congrats wey! btw what's ur zodiac? =DD

Aki said...

Amiirah : hahaha.. semat kan bed sheet sa.. :D..

Charmaine : Ho ho ho.. I know.. sweet rite?? ^_^.v..

Orange : Ko lagi power, ada Convo.. ^_^.v.. He he he.. semat ka cadar saya?? :D

Meitzeu : U got also mah kan?? :D

de engineur : ha ha ha.. betul2.. baru syok.. di indon banyak dragon (komodo)

chegu : ha ha ha.. i know.. ur peberet kan?? ^_^.v..

Henry Tan : Semat one right?? he he he.. thanks bro.. I'm a Rabbit, which don't really turn out good when the Rabbit comes, it always the Dragon treat me good.. ^_^.v..

StellaClaire-Richard said...

wow..bnyk gifts..congrats Aki..:)

Merryn said...

"what to add on my dress" u gonna wear a DRESS? OMG! THIS I got to SEE!

beaty said...

aih..c aki inda aci..manang dia ni...canti n kiut lagi tu hadiah dia..ko ngam lagi tu baju...

bh tu bed sheet ko kiut owh..bunga2 owh

Aki said...

Stella : Thanks.. he he he.. rezeki urang tua2 bilang.. ^_^.v..

Merryn : Omigosh.. did I say dress?? hahaha.. OK2, u'll see me dress up then.. :p

beaty : ha ha ha.. tu lah.. semat kan tu baju?? tapi paling manang juga bed sheet saya kan?? :D

Nurul Says said...

cool tshirt!!

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[ HOT!! ] This Week Top Rambling..