Hye.. And first of all, sorry for not being here about half a year.. ^_^.. Well, not that I've abandoned this blog.. It's just, I lost a bit of sparkling fire to blog.. It isn't about topic coz I got PLENTY of them.. It's just the mood is still flying in the air and the passion suddenly cool down..
Ok, cut all the craps.. Today's topic is a bit serious.. Not that serious 'serious'.. Just an excitement serious..
If you're my friend on facebook, U'll notice that recently, I just found a new hobby.. And I like it.. Yeah.. And since I'm in love with muscle workout, this hobby is JUST PERFECT.. I mean, of course WALL CLIMBING is just suited and perfect for me..
Monday, July 1, 2013
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
The Body You Would Love To Make Love With
Yeah baby.. No, that's not the sound of people make love.. That's me for finding a suitable title to write about FITNESS!!.. Well, yeah the other day, Mr Comel Armstrong ask me..
'Aki, you look FIT already.. Share to me'..
No, I'm NOT YET fit but it's TRUE that I lost 7kg within 3-4 weeks only.. And that journey is NOT SIMPLE, but still easy for everyone to follow.. Let's see the solution.. :p..
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
New Year Troll Opening
Rambling Labels
Berita Aki Karut,
Entri Awet Muda,
Hm, first of all, what is your 'NEW YEAR' resolution?? I mean, yeah, kindly everyone love to have for at least ONE a year.. Me?? I have nothing as usual.. But my friend does have one..
He said
'2013 gonna be full of prank and trolling for EVERYONE'..
So, here's a story about what we've done to OPEN the NEW YEAR with style..
Friday, December 14, 2012
5, 6, 7, 8.. DANCE!!
Rambling Labels
Berita Aki Karut,

Yeah, I think most of you never seen me in such attire, not even my Sumandak, and not even me.. Coz I hate it.. But, this is one exeption.. I mean.....
Yeah, I'm wearing this for a show!! :).. I mean like dancing show?? Imagine an AFRO dancing on the stage?? Yeah, you fuckin got it right?? Most of my facebook friend were actually surprised to see me in that attire.. I mean, myself too.. :p..
Thursday, November 29, 2012
The Afro Untold Story
Rambling Labels
Berita Aki Karut,
Entri Awet Muda,
Teka Teki

I mean like some of them make me happy coz it's a funny situation, and some of them are just lame and makin me annoying.. Not that annoying but yeah, still annoying.. :D.. So, let's me start with....
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[ HOT!! ] This Week Top Rambling..
AKI!!! I need U!! Ah,rasanya,begitu lah kata2 Melody semalam kepada c Aki. (mesti kamurang masis ingat lagi pasal cerita c Melody ni kan??...
Well, my February luck seems didn't finish yet.. Despite my lack of money, any other 'non monetary' things seems loving me so m...
It's coming again!! Yeah I know, this is the most exciting part of the year, which me and Arms would organized a gathering for us b...
Hey guys, yeah U.. This is a continuous post from Y U NO Boyfriend which I post like sometimes ago.. Since there are so many requesting fo...
I didn't touch the guitar for so long.. And yeah, the truth is, my skill had down from 1 to nadaaa.. For some of you who know me in rea...