Tuesday, March 27, 2012

High Speed Loud Break

Well, noticing the title, I'm sure you know what I'll be serving you.. Yeah, of course,1 of the high speed machine in the world, F1 Car!!! Well, to be frank, I'm a big fan of F1 Car when I was in secondary.. So, I know a bit about the ruling, but not updated with em..

Of course thanks to Tourism Malaysia, or to be truthfully, the 401 members, Amb to get me a ticket (or should I say accompany him) for the F1 Grand Prix on 25th of March 2012, the Race Day!!

So, the main course....

First, get of from KL Sentral at almost 3pm

And yeah, our FREE ticket!! Thanks Tourism Malaysia!!
And, jammed when we reach like 3 kilometers before Sepang Circuit.. Plus, Cloudy..

Then, Yeah, it's raining.. Remember, we have NO UMBRELLA!! Damn...

Luckily, reach there, got internal FREE shuttle bus to take us to our gate.. ^_^.v.. Somehow, we already hear the F1 Machine noise from outside, like a kilometer from them..

And it's gloomy day for Sepang when we reach there..

Due to unexpected weather, I first assume there was accident when we come in and I'm seeing the safe car is leading the F1 Machine.. And they suddenly get in queue at the starting line, again..

So, seeing the LCD Screen there, yeah, there was a minor accident before we came in and they have to re-continue the race later, after they make some change to their machine.. This is what happen second after the F1 Car took their place in the starting point..

So, while waiting, have some snack!!.. As expected, this SoFresh orange juice cost us Rm10 per 3 bottle, and our Fries was Rm5 per packet.. ^_^.v.. Meanwhile, the burger was selling fast at rm20 per pieces.. :p..

So, a little feed about the situation there..

And see, after watching the driver having their lap, like 20, they turn Sepang circuit from this..

to this..

Worrying of jammed, and the noise is too much for the ear, we decided to get back when they only have like 10 laps to go.. So, this is our HERE I AM pose..!! That is Amb of 401, from Tourism Malaysia..

So, getting back with a damn pricey ticket..

And yeah, till we meet again next time, F1 Car.. ^_^.v..

That was a very good experience for me.. Because, as you are in the circuit, you can never what people besides you are talking about when the car is there.. Too Noisy.. And you know what I mean, they're full of speed.. So different from watching in TV and there..

Next time, I want to drive em.. in my laptop.. :p..

And congratz Fernando Alonso for your 10 point at Sepang!! ^_^.v..

Aki : Hopefully, they'll let me try that things someday..

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Yen said...

ko nda pigi ka 2 SNSD d klcc?

Unknown said...

waaa... punya siok!! jeles saya.. hahaha. i've never been there but guess what.. since I took 'rekacipta' subjek during my form 5 last time, we have this 'F1 in school'. we made the car, using hi-tech machines..and we also provided with the lanes and etc. it was fun! but we didnt get any place for F1 in school competition level state..hihi. and ohsome experiences for u to attend the real F1 there.. jeles. jeles... haha. and wish ur dream become true ^_____^

Unknown said...

Odoi dogo! punya siok...dan jeles of cos! haha...sya nampak ja tu kurita2 hebat dorang trus automatic ada bunyi 'broooooombrooom' d utak sya hahaha kasian imaginasi seja ni...

Blackswan said...

I'm not an F1 fan. Twice my family was invited & I turned down both invitations. I thought hubby & son would be keen but they too, didn't want to go even tho' tix were free.

I know it's a cool event & many would die to go. Guess it's an experience most would't wanna miss....

Nani said...

terus macam mau tingu juga ooh.. biasa pi stadium ja tingu bola, ni lumba kereta.. mesti siok!

Henry Tan said...

wow nice that u get to go watch! =D
and even better that its is raining, otherwise there would be super hot!

Camy said...

awesomeeeee! i was once a big fan of F1 too! :X

Cinoi said...

Kesiukan kau kan. Dulu masa saya study d smnnjung sllau housemate sy pigi tgk, but sy x join. Skrg baru rasa rugi. At least 1 kali mesti pergi ni F1

Aki said...

Yen : I'm never a fan of Korea, tapi kalau girls durang, ah, memang lawa.. :p..

millerJ : hehe tu lah.. best kan?? tapi ni tempat jauh gila ba dari tempat sa tinggal.. memandangkan tiket free, bah, hantam la.. :D.. he he he.. best gila ni..

Mic : ha ha ha.. ya ya ya, sa faham tu macam mana perasaan dia.. :p.. he he he..

Blackswan : yo sis, Singapore is the only F1 Race which held at night in this world and you waste such a good ticket?? He he he.. next time inform me and I'll go for you!! :p..

Nani : he he he.. ya, memang syok, saya imagine mo tingu durang accident ja ni.. ha ha ha..

Henry Tan : yup, I've go there on a sunny day and you know what, IT's SURE SUPER HOT!! :p..

Kak Yan : ha ha ha.. konpom..

Camy : Yeah!! So, who's your favourite?? (instead of which is your favourite.. )

Cinoi : ya ka?? rugi la ko tu.. he he he.. ada juga orang yang tgk free tu sa tengok.. :p

Va Va Voom said...

Best oh ko kan...saya ni entah lah bila dapat chance pi tgk F1....selalu tgk di TV ja..tapi mesti diff dari yg live punya kan...

Va Va Voom said...
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Xx said...

lepas ni kita pigi concert a7x k ! haha

Tunung D. said...

aki, mo dekat 11thn sia di KL, nda pernah sia terpigi oo.. Susah mo pigi kalu byk rakyat mo ikut.. Tggu my kids besar sikit la mungkin baru sia ada chances mo pigi..hihihi!

Diana Diane Teo said...

I not interested in F1 but what I interested of was ur watermark. Aki, I love the watermark that you put on each of your photo. Make one for me leh. Hahaha

FiSh said...

it's noisy but really happening, right? so enjoyed

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